More effective spiritual progress . . .

To get my help:

  • improving your spiritual condition, and
  • getting more of what you want in life. . .

I currently have the following 4 different spiritual processes/services available:

Ultimate-Self Restart process

I restart your most senior spiritual configuration in a clean condition. For a big boost to your ability to improve your spiritual condition, implemented at the most fundamental level of your spiritual existence, get my:

Ultimate-Self Restart process.

“Exciting to see the changes in daily life: self-confidence, power, happiness, stability etc.” (Vincent)

“I’m feeling more clarity, inspiration and flow“ (Sean Redmond)

“Amazing changes, the feeling is no limits, because I am experiencing a new way of being.” (Evita Marchiori)

Click here for more details.

This process increases your spiritual size, power and functionality, allowing manifestation of more of you want in your life, and makes you able to change more easily. It helps you help yourself, with a big boost to your ability to further improve your spiritual condition . . .

Facilitated Empowerment and Transformation process

“Thank you for this incredible process and opportunity to improve my overall condition.” (Leo Costa)

“My energy level has remained higher into today, one week after receiving the process. I feel that I am recovering my energy levels which I used to have when growing up. ” (Roy Vinner)

“My awareness has expanded, accompanied by an increase in power. While there’s more to explore, I’m feeling better than ever. Such a great felling.” (Leo Costa)

Click here for more details.

In addition to the specific processes above, I also currently deliver two other spiritual services:

Direct Processing

I can do direct processing on any areas you’d like to improve (minimum $200).

How it works: you tell me which areas of your life or spiritual condition you’d like me to work on, and I improve those areas for you as effectively as I can, directly and remotely, and email you a summary of the processing I’ve done each day.

“I am truly grateful for the progress you have helped me and my son achieve. Your assistance has left me speechless. I have been experiencing a sense of well-being and relief throughout this process, often feeling a surge of happiness that has brought more laughter and vitality into my life. Thank you immensely for your support.” (Leonardo Costa)

“A lot of progress to come with the boost you give me.” (Vincent)

“this processing period has been a boost to my general condition” (Leonardo Costa)

“I feel lighter, happier, more realistic with myself.” (Vincent)

“It’s impressive to see how Mariana has positively changed in just a few days after starting processing again.” (Oscar L. Marzorati).

“Massive thanks for the opportunity to engage with the processes and assistance you’ve provided. I’ll keep working from the pointers you’ve shared, and I’m happy to note a significant improvement in my overall awareness and systems since we began working on them. Thank you again for your support and guidance.” (Leandro Costa)

“MASSIVE THANKS! I noticed a significant change. Also my body energy is different.” (Leandro Costa)

“Everything you mentioned is accurate and represents a huge milestone to me. Thank you” (Leandro Costa)

“I am definitely not stuck around Infinite-Life-Universe and below, where I was before.” (Vincent)

“I’m sensing significant improvements, and your feedback has been essential for the progress. Your pointers have been incredibly helpful, acting as a turbo boost when I delve into my case. I will update you soon, but I can say I feel bigger and better. Great opportunity to improve more and more.” (Leandro Costa)

“I have noticed an improvement in my overall well-being and feel more liberated” (Leonardo Costa)

“Fantastic! This is a huge improvement. Thank you Chris !” (Leandro Costa)

“Massive improvements in the last few days.” (Leandro Costa)

“I’ve noticed a significant positive shift within myself, thanks to your guidance.” (Leandro Costa)

“Such a privilege to have your support. Many thanks” (Leandro Costa)

“I’ve observed remarkable enhancements in my body energies, particularly in the expansion of my heart and solar plexus area. Greater access to power and also fostered a much better connection with the space around me.” (Leandro Costa)

Today, once again, I’ve experienced moments where I sense something extraordinary which is hard to “convey in words. Thank you.” (Leandro Costa)

“Huge transition time now from energy level perception … Feeling great and different” (Leandro Costa)

If you might be interested in Direct Processing, email me now at


“certainly the most valuable service I have ever received from anyone (Max Sandor)

I will tell you the most significant limitations which are getting in the way of you making more efficient and effective spiritual improvement, as well as giving you information on anything you request:

This unique spiritual survey service can save you lifetimes of work, enabling you to find much more efficient and effective ways forward because it is real, direct observations of the most relevant aspects of your current challenges and opportunities. It gives you precise details of what to work on to progress more easily and effectively.

Unsolicited testimonials for this service include:

“I’m amazed by your work. I’ve been working with some immediate good results from the body point of view. Thank you, once again :)” (Leo),

“I feel really grateful to have found you and this information. Thanks again for your amazing work.” (Carol),

Wow is really all that I can say here.” (Caleb),

“Thank you Chris. You’re results are affirming and eye opening.” (Jared),

“Thanks again, Chris. I really appreciate this information.” (Kayla),

“I am very glad we crossed paths and that I have been able to have such valuable information from you.” (Leo),

“Thanks so much, Chris! It’s super useful I can tell. (How do you do that? 🙂 Congratulations! It’s amazing.” (Carmen)

“Very interesting and helpful! You truly gave me an insight I’ve tried to find for years that no one else has been able to give me. Thank you!” (Tamatu),

“This is so helpful, thank you!” (Angela),

“Thank you so much for the information. It is really helpful and explains a lot.” (Carol),

“I have a deep respect and thankfulness for the work that you and Max have been doing.” (Leo),

“Thank you so much for this really fascinating assessment. I’ve read it a few times with great interest. I sense there’s truth in your report.” (Alice Langholt),

FANTASTIC! You are brilliant!” (Leo).

And Max Sandor (one of the well-known experts in Deep Clearing and ifa etc. who has learned from leading practitioners of all available spiritual practices) wrote this recommendation: “Receiving the personal analysis made by Chris, was certainly the most valuable service I have ever received from anyone. I feel extremely lucky having his services come to my attention and I’m not aware of anyone offering anything comparable. Therefore, I can only recommend this and his other services I received wholeheartedly to everyone I know.”

I currently offer this Spiritual Survey for $300 or a more in-depth detailed analysis for $700. You can ask me to focus on any particular area(s) that you want to know about (such as current challenges in your life, problem areas or health issues etc.), and I will give you details about the causes of those, and also take a general look at your spiritual condition and which areas are most significant for improvement. I will give practical suggestions for what areas are most useful to work on in order to enable more effective and efficient improvement in your spiritual condition and getting more of what you want in life.

If you have any questions, or want to order a spiritual survey, email me now at

If you want to know more about me and my experience in spiritual improvement, click here for the section about me, (on my Ultimate-Self Restart process. page)