Welcome to the . . .
Facilitated Empowerment and Transformation process!
I know the name of the process is a bit of a mouthful, but I want to be real, using a name which expresses what the process really does, and how it does it.
This process is delivered remotely (see below).
“Thank you for this incredible process and opportunity to improve my overall condition.” (Leo Costa)

Spiritual expansion:
influence a wider area, so you get more of what you want in life

Improved transformation:
increased spiritual flows and contact with better resources

More spiritually able:
increased effectiveness in spiritual planes which are cause over what happens in your life
Who can benefit from this process?
This process will benefit anyone, although people with more spiritual awareness are likely to be more aware of the results.
“More calm state and increased presence”. (Roy Vinner)
What the name of the process means:
Facilitated: this means that I am using resources which were made by others, in addition to my own extensive processing experience, to make the process even more effective.
This is similar to Reiki, where (if one has been initiated correctly), one is using, in addition to the Reiki symbol(s), a connection with a specific structure embodying the spiritual state of the founder of the concept, Mikao Usui, getting spiritual benefits through that connection instead of having to do the necessary work to get to that spiritual state oneself. My process links to powerful structures created by a group of beings in a very advanced spiritual condition, and uses resources from the “magick universe” (senior to this one).
For the Facilitated Empowerment and Transformation process, I am using resources which consist of sources of specific types of spiritual actions or energy-flows. For example, there are a pair of sources which add power (more on why that is essential for real progress, below), and another source which has a significant transformative action.
Empowerment: I do mean that literally . . . the Facilitated Empowerment and Transformation process confers a direct increase in “spiritual power”.
Most people don’t have enough spiritual power. Most religions and many spiritual systems actively block and suppress spiritual power, since it comes from the dark, feminine, lower end of things. Even when using more balanced spiritual practices that can work effectively with power, most people on earth are in spiritual conditions where they are severely lacking the power.
Increased power is essential for anyone who wants to genuinely improve their spiritual condition, because being in a better spiritual condition means being much bigger in many ways, and that requires connections to correspondingly larger power-supplies and more powerful and effective resources.
A lot of what Chi Kung (Qui Gong) and T’ai Chi does (if done effectively) is increasing some types of spiritual power for the body-systems. My process will build power for vastly larger and more significant parts of you, as well as for the body-systems (including many of the 143 different energy-bodies completely unknown to other spiritual systems on earth at this time).
Spiritual resource connections that I will be using include, from what I observed someone else doing (more on that, below), a pair of items which give a big boost to power, which results in a big boost to the size of the area that is willing to be improved, so that space can be of benefit to you rather than holding you back. Areas which are difficult to improve often include the action of holding things solid and unchanging, to avoid things getting even worse.
So many limitations are held in place mainly due to lack of power . . . if one doesn’t have enough power in an area, then withdrawing, getting smaller, reducing ability to perceive and face reality, being afraid, feeling weak, inadequate and unable to succeed, are CORRECT responses, for safety, but obviously negative in terms of functionality in that area and control over what manifests in one’s life.
Trying to make changes without adding power and necessary resources, as a lot of people do, is often either unstable (because one’s systems withdraw again, for safety, which is very common with people trying to improve their spiritual condition) or dangerous, since it can result in areas where one has some contact but no functionality (which is a definition of horror, typically causing one to decrease awareness of that area, making things even worse).
As well as adding power to facilitate improvement, I will be using a lot of unique advanced processing to add to, and make best use of, the resulting transformations.
“I’m feeling better than ever“. (Leo Costa)
Who am I?

Hi, I’m Chris Melchior.
I’ve been improving my spiritual condition on a daily basis for about 25 years now, and was able to develop direct spiritual awareness unusually rapidly.
That enabled me to develop what I call “awareness-based-clearing” which involves using awareness of objective spiritual reality to discover new perspectives and processes to improve spiritual conditions, working in synergy with a few others who are also discovering effective new processes and empirical perspectives.
That approach enabled even more rapid and effective progress with my spiritual condition.
My websites include:
Empirical-spirituality.com, which includes lots of unique information about relevant topics, such as details of the building-blocks of the universe above this one, and of each of the universes in this chain-of-universes (neither of which is available from anyone else).
Energy-bodies.org, which includes details of many of the 143 energy-bodies (current versions of spiritual traditions, between them, are aware of around fifteen of those), as well as exact descriptions of the between-lives-sequence and the process for effective transmigration.
Awareness-based-clearing.com, which describes many specific types of spiritual limitations and how to handle them effectively, as well as essential principles for effective improvement of one’s spiritual condition.
I also own a spiritual discussion group which has been active for 25 years, and the “Empirical Spirituality” FaceBook Group.
Unique spiritual processes I’ve developed include the Ultimate-Self Restart:
“Exciting to see the changes in daily life: self-confidence, power, happiness, stability etc.”
“I’m feeling more clarity, inspiration and flow“
(Sean Redmond)
Amazing changes, the feeling is no limits, because I am experiencing a new way of being.”
(Evita Marchiori)
How I developed this process
Horacio, one of my colleagues on my spiritual discussion group, made a comment referring to the website of a spiritual practitioner, Jaume Rigual.
I used my direct spiritual awareness to see what he was actually doing at a spiritual level (which is often very different from what people say they are doing, or think they are doing), and observed that he made use of a set of spiritual resource structures I hadn’t seen before.
I tested these spiritual resources on myself, and found them very beneficial if used in specific ways, such as power and transformation actions or energies used alongside connections to specific ideal examples (such as beings with no spiritual limitations), and in conjunction with other processes I’ve developed such as Morphic-field configuration improvements, and depolarization.
To give an example of direct observation of spiritual resource structures, from a practice that some people might be familiar with . . . in 2012 I visited my spiritual colleague Max Sandor (the author of “The Little Purple Notebook on How To Escape From This Universe”), who was the official Ayahuasca practitioner for his region (Sao Paulo).
He offered the Ayahuasca process if I wanted it . . . instead, I asked him to put his attention on his experience and results from the process, and observed the objective results of the process at a spiritual level, which is the addition of two specific female spirits around belly level, which connect a person to specific areas. I created those two spirits on myself, and was able to immediately experience some of the results of Ayahuasca, without taking the herbs (which, like all psycho-active substances, create their effects by putting some parts of energy-bodies into an emergency condition so that they link strongly to other areas to try to escape the emergency).
The effects that people experience from taking psycho-active substances are typically due to making connections to specific areas (different for each psycho-active substance). With enough spiritual awareness, one can go to those areas directly, without the connections being caused by (and thus intrinsically associated with) emergency conditions of parts of energy-bodies, and without the persistence of those connections, which impedes spiritual improvement.
What the process includes:
As mentioned above, the Facilitated Empowerment and Transformation process includes increasing your spiritual power, which greatly facilitates change and improvement.
The process I deliver also includes the implementation of connections to what could be described as flows of transformation action (or transformative energies). While doing that (and increasing power in relevant areas as needed), I also connect relevant areas to examples of ideal spiritual conditions or states that are a good match for each of those specific areas, which dramatically increases their willingness to change.
The process also includes:
- erasure of significant non-ideal aims (so the increased spiritual power and functionality from this process manifests more of what you want, and less of what you don’t want),
- connections to better Morphic-fields and resources-flows instead of fixed-goals (see below),
- depolarisation, which facilitates improved awareness and easier change,
- integration of Eshus (the chaos at bottom of each universe, out of which manifestation arises), (see below),
- and lots of other unique processes for optimal improvement as your systems evolve and transform during the process.
Fixed-goals (each of which will have a spiritual structure implementing them) are inherently limited, narrow and short-term (so beings in very good spiritual condition rarely use them). Connections to resource-flows are much broader, more open and more flexible, and can adapt and evolve as you, and your circumstances, change. So the processing I will do includes replacing some fixed-goals with connections to suitable resource-flows.
Integration of Eshus (the chaos at bottom of each universe, out of which manifestation arises) is vital for safety, especially when a powerfully transformative process is delivered, because change comes with added Eshu instances, which are necessary for increased functionality, but, if they are not integrated into your spiritual systems, they are likely to cause problems to you, or around you.
The changes from the process are significant and deep, and this can sometimes cause temporary problems with body systems (often due to improvements which need help to manifest fully or new connections in order for improved systems to function well etc.)
If you have any body problems, email me as soon as you notice them and I will handle the spiritual causes, but that might take time (this process is ideally delivered to people in good enough spiritual condition to handle any body problems themselves), and I will generally focus as much as I can on implementing what will improve your overall spiritual condition the most, to give you the most value I can.
How I deliver the process:
The Facilitated Empowerment and Transformation process is extremely valuable, but I’ve decided to make it available at a very realistic price.
It is currently available, per session (this is a process which can be used repeatedly, for even greater gains) for:
The price is likely to increase soon.
No refunds. See Spiritual Services: Disclaimer, Agreement and Limitation of Liability.
If you want to receive this unique process, contact me:
Email: chris.melchior@gmail.com
or contact me via my Empirical Spirituality FaceBook profile (Message me there, or comment on one of my posts on the Page or Group).
Once you contact me I will:
1) ask you if there any specific areas you’d like me to apply the process to (in addition to general improvement of your spiritual condition),
2. tell you how you can pay me (by PayPal or a bank transfer), then (once I’ve received payment),
3. give you a link to my Calendar to book a 1-hour time-slot for the process.
At the time you’ve booked for the process, I’ll email you to confirm that I’m starting processing you directly.
I will then begin the process (which is delivered remotely).
I recommend you put as much attention as you can on experiencing the spiritual results of the process, which are likely to include a sensation of increased power below the base of the spine or in the ground below you, as well as better flows in the same areas, increased positivity and freedom, and a decrease in polarization. Different people, in different spiritual conditions, will have differing degrees of experience of the effects and results of the process.
If you have any comments or requests during the process, email me, although it’s ideal for you to be putting as much of your attention as possible on your experiences as the process is delivered, rather than thinking or communicating, because doing so helps your acceptance of the changes, which improves the stability of the results.
I’ll also email you at the end of the process, giving you some brief comments on what I did and what I observed about your systems as I delivered the process.
I will also integrate your Eshus again approximately 24 hours after I deliver the process, and give additional support to any of your systems which need it due to the results of the process, since some changes can take time to evolve and settle. I will email you telling you when I’ve done that.
This process increases your spiritual size, power and functionality, allowing manifestation of more of you want in your life, and makes you able to change more easily. It helps you help yourself, with a big boost to your ability to further improve your spiritual condition.
To go ahead with the Facilitated Empowerment and Transformation process, contact me now . . .
Email: chris.melchior@gmail.com
or contact me via my Empirical Spirituality FaceBook profile (Message me there, or comment on one of my posts on the page or group).
“A more balanced overall sensation for the body without usual discomfort and more acceptance of the body and its needs”
(Roy Vinner)
“Since receiving the Facilitated Empowerment and Transformation Process I’ve been aware of the additional power sources that were connected. It feels like my power connections are more broadband too. I’ve noticed an enhancement in my spiritual power, especially when I’m doing creative projects or spiritual processing. I’m also feeling more grounded and more aligned with my physical body. A phrase that came to mind is that I feel more of a ‘match’ with my physical body. I feel greater presence and command in the sphere of my physical self. Thanks, Chris, for creating and delivering this process. I recommend it.”
(Sean Redmond)
“My energy level has remained higher into today, one week after receiving the process. I feel that I am recovering my energy levels which I used to have when growing up. ”
(Roy Vinner)
“I am experiencing a renewed and relaxed sense of improvement, characterized by cleaner connections and expanded awareness, and a notable improvement in my perception. It’s an extraordinary condition, and undoubtedly, my awareness has expanded, accompanied by an increase in power. While there’s more to explore, I’m feeling better than ever. Such a great felling.”
(Leo Costa)
“Increased connection to the ground with a definite increase of energy”.
(Roy Vinner)
To go ahead with the Facilitated Empowerment and Transformation process, contact me now . . .
Email: chris.melchior@gmail.com
or contact me via my Empirical Spirituality FaceBook profile (Message me there, or comment on one of my posts on the page or group).
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