Firstly, what do I mean by transmigration? To clearly explain transmigration, I need to start by explaining what normally happens when a human body dies, which I call . . . The Between-lives-sequence. When a human body which is owned by an “Ultimate-self” (i.e. a “spiritual” being outside this physical-universe), dies, usually within about three […]
Do you know what the biggest and most common spiritual error on earth today, is?
Introduction. This hugely significant error is being made, promoted, and widely agreed with, by most religions and many spiritual systems on earth at this time. Some examples of systems which avoid that major error, are: Taoism and T’ai Chi (which is one of the reasons why I’ve used the Yin/Yang symbol for the title image […]
Enlightenment – What Does it Really Mean?
A lot of people in self-development and spirituality like to talk about “enlightenment”, and it’s found its way into common usage in phrases like “the age of enlightenment” and “enlighten me” etc. But the original meaning was very specific . . . it meant when the Main-Viewpoint (which is an energy-body, usually in the head) […]
Welcome to our blog !
Welcome to the Empirical Spirituality blog . . . I’ve decided to move the blog from since it makes more sense to put it here and keep that site more focused on exactly how to process types of spiritual limitations. You can still read the older blog posts there : Enjoy !