Do you know what the biggest and most common spiritual error on earth today, is?

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This hugely significant error is being made, promoted, and widely agreed with, by most religions and many spiritual systems on earth at this time.

Some examples of systems which avoid that major error, are:

Taoism and T’ai Chi (which is one of the reasons why I’ve used the Yin/Yang symbol for the title image of this article). The original Taoists on earth knew about this error, and some current uses of these traditions avoid this error. But even reading about the meaning of Yin/Yang, you can find the spiritual error perspective on what Google considers the highest “authority” websites on the subject.

The ifa, and related spiritual practices, avoid this major error.

Deep Clearing. Since using the correct information on this concept, and avoiding this error, is the only way to make the deeper levels of real progress with Deep Clearing, as some people can be observed to have done, the knowledge is obviously being used in this area.

The commonly available information used in Deep Clearing points to the perspective that most people misinterpret (although it’s actually incomplete rather than incorrect, as I’ll explain below), and fairly cryptic comments point to the additional data, making it clear that the lower end of things are essential powers, which gives you a clue what the error is . . .

This major spiritual error is:

Avoiding, blocking and suppressing the dark, feminine, lower end of spiritual reality.

There is a real and significant problem with the lower end of things (which I’ll detail below), but most people follow the common misinterpretation and avoid, block or suppress the whole area, which would be a disaster if such people were actually capable of getting significant results from what they are intending (more on that in a moment).

Why the lower end of things is so vital

All power, life, functionality, action and manifestation, arise from the dark, feminine, lower end of things. The bright, higher, masculine end of things relates to awareness and decision-making.

It’s fortunate that most people who believe the huge error, and try to avoid, block or suppress dark, feminine, lower end of things, have so little spiritual functionality, because effective implementation of actually avoiding, blocking or suppressing the dark, lower end of things would result in instant death of the body and extreme ruin of the spiritual being that owns it.

Luckily one’s spiritual systems tend to prevent one acting much until one has a reasonable amount of awareness in an area. A lot of people want more spiritual functionality, but what they really need first is a lot more spiritual awareness first, in order to enable the development of safe, effective functionality.

T’ai Chi and Chi Kung (Qui Gong) are very much about increasing power from below, in specific ways, for the body (I recommend you also do it for the real you . . . that which places spirit). And of course, they are also about having balance in all things, as illustrated in the Yin/Yang symbol, with precisely equal bright and dark halves.

Yin Yang symbol, with subtle colors.

As is known by some spiritual traditions (but misused or ignored by many who say they are following those traditions) balance is is vital, such as balance (rather than polarization) between Yin and Yang.

Avoidance, blocking or suppressing the lower end of things is, of course, polarization. This is pointed to by one of the most important principles of Buddhism which is usually misinterpreted. Polarization can be seen as “spiritual charge”, which is one of the main types of spiritual limitation, because it makes areas uncomfortable to contact, so one avoids awareness of such areas, which decreases one’s spiritual functionality in those areas.

If one wants to make significant improvement of one’s spiritual condition, one needs to be able to effectively handle the various phenomena from the lower end of things, including Eshu (the chaos from which all manifestation arises) and Morphic-fields (which fundamentally specify reality at both society levels and physical existence levels).

Another example of a great hint from one of the traditions, is the concept that all action comes from the void. One can find both of those levels on one of the scales used in Deep Clearing, and spot that they are precisely equidistant about the zero-point (which suggest that they are significantly related), and that the lower one really is the “nothingness” from which the impetus for all action arises, and see that without that “nothingness” there couldn’t be any action.

Then one can see that the same applies to all the other points on that scale, and see, not only that the lower, dark end of things is utterly vital, but also that it is an inevitable other-half of the upper end of things . .. the two are parts of one thing, and cannot exist without each other. Which is clearly stated by some of the traditions, and inherent in the concept of the Yin/Yang system, yet so many people who say they follow such traditions, in practice, believe the opposite. It should be very obvious from a genuine understanding of these points, that avoiding, blocking or suppressing the lower half of one thing, will have undesirable effects on the other half of that same single thing, since the two halves cannot help but affect each other.

The real problem with the lower end of things . . .

. . . is about things which should be higher but have decayed lower. It applies equally to things which should be in the lower, darker end of things, and have decayed upwards, towards the higher, brighter end of things and thus become less functional.

These decay actions need to be handled effectively, so that all parts of one’s spiritual existence are at the optimum levels. Avoiding, blocking or suppressing the results of decay, is the opposite of actually handling them, and only makes things worse.

Why the incorrect perspective on this concept is so common

Relevant factors include people with power wanting to keep real spiritual knowledge and power for themselves.

Sometimes keeping more advanced knowledge secret is done for positive reasons, because there are certainly dangers in mishandling spiritual knowledge, so it can make sense to give people access only to what they are ready to handle safely. But one of the problems with this is that, due to the history of humans on this planet for the last few thousands of years, most spiritual traditions are left with only tiny parts of their original information, and typically only the beginner levels where it can make sense to avoid things one is not yet ready for. But that’s far from ideal when the more advanced levels are no longer available at all in those traditions.

Another reason is that the lower end of things is more challenging to handle. It can make sense to start by processing relatively high areas that are easier to work with, but few people get beyond those beginning stages, or even understand that they are very much beginner’s perspectives.

Male dominance and the suppression of female power (which is Yin, the darker, lower end of things) is also a significant factor in promoting perspectives which weaken those aspects of us all.

In summary:

Make sure you understand what I’ve said in this blog post, developing a good understanding of the lower end of things and why it’s so vital, and apply it in practice, working towards direct spiritual awareness, and knowing functionality there.

About me:

If you’re interested in my background as a spiritual researcher and practitioner, as well as details of my discussion group and Empirical Spirituality Facebook Group . . .

Click here for information about me, on my Ultimate-Self Restart process page:

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