Firstly, what do I mean by transmigration?
To clearly explain transmigration, I need to start by explaining what normally happens when a human body dies, which I call . . .
The Between-lives-sequence.
When a human body which is owned by an “Ultimate-self” (i.e. a “spiritual” being outside this physical-universe), dies, usually within about three days, the Ultimate-self naturally lets go of its connection to that body, which is a line or beam of energy.
That Ultimate-self also, at about the same time, usually lets go of the goals and aims it had during that lifetime, and, at that point, is automatically drawn into the start of the Between-lives-sequence which is an area where whatever you “imagine” has real existence to you. See my web-page for details of the rest of the Between-lives-sequence:
In rare cases, an Ultimate-self is unwilling to let go of all the goals and aims they had in the body which has just died, and holds onto something such as deep trauma, undischarged responsibility, or the desire for revenge, the Ultimate-self holds onto the Astral-body of the human body which just died, and is thus a ghost, until such time as it lets go of whatever goals or aims it is holding onto (which can be up to thousands of years, although is rarely more than a hundred or so years), and is then automatically drawn into the start of the Between-lives-sequence.
At the end of the Between-lives-sequence, the Ultimate-self is made to choose various aspects of personality-definitions (which are really mainly determined by their spiritual condition at that time), and then to choose a human baby body (usually within a few hours of its birth) to take ownership of.
But there is an alternative:
Transmigration: what it means.
As I mentioned above, it’s the letting go of the goals and aims that the Ultimate-self had in the lifetime just ended, which causes the being to be automatically drawn into the start of the Between-lives sequence. So if a being, when their body dies, chooses to hold on to a strong aim, such as to live another enjoyable life in the future, then they will naturally hold on to the Astral-body, and can then choose to take ownership of a human body knowingly, if they have the necessary awareness and understanding of how the process of taking ownership of a human body, works (without going through the Between-lives sequence at all).
I give details of exactly how all of this works in practice, on my web-page on transmigration, here:
But that doesn’t necessarily mean that transmigration is a good idea. As the title of this article suggests, transmigration can be a huge boost to one’s spiritual condition, or it can make it much worse. Here’s why . . .
What holds spiritual limitations in place.
One of the main factors holding spiritual limitations in place during a lifetime, is the things in one’s life that the spiritual limitations relate to. When the body dies, most Ultimate-self’s will let go of whatever happened during that lifetime, realizing that these things don’t apply any more, and thus be drawn into the Between-lives sequence.
If one is transmigrating, one can similarly let go of most goals, aims and things relevant to what has happened during the lifetime which has just ended (while holding onto a strong enough goal not to be pulled into the Between-lives sequence), which makes improving one’s spiritual condition much more efficient.
But, the requirement for improving one’s spiritual condition during transmigration is that one can erase or reduce spiritual limitations effectively without using a body. Whether they realize it or not, most people who are taking actions to improve their spiritual condition, are using their human body to do so.
For example, the real aim of mindfulness is about an energy-body (although very few people understand this intellectually, and even fewer have awareness of the relevant objective reality).
So, if one can process effectively without a human body, one can make much more efficient progress with improving one’s spiritual condition during transmigration, than one could when one was owning a human body. Most beings in good enough spiritual condition to process themselves without a body, by the end of about a week of transmigration (which is a typical period for transmigration) will be processing about a thousand times more rapidly than they were able to while owning a body, and, of course, don’t have much else to do except for improving their spiritual condition.
But, as I know from my own experience, if one is unable to process one’s spiritual limitations without a body, then one will have a lot more spiritual limitations the next lifetime. One reason for this is that anything which has significant emotional impact (such as death of a body), will usually fix a lot of spiritual limitations onto a being. Then the next lifetime will add its own spiritual limitations, without letting go of the previous ones. And spiritual limitations don’t add linearly, they multiply together and reinforce each other.
At the end of last lifetime, I’d been doing a lot of relatively advanced spiritual processing, and I wanted to continue doing so, but, when my body died, I found that I was unable to do any spiritual processing without a body. After 3 days of trying and failing to improve my spiritual condition, I realized that I was unable to do so, and took ownership of a baby body just about to be born nearby. Which is also not ideal . . . I now know that the first few years of a human life tends to be traumatic, which is part of the reason that most people forget their past lives, as I did, until I started doing spiritual processing again this lifetime and started regaining awareness of my past. For this reason, when transmigrating it makes more sense to take ownership of an adult body (i.e. one which is not already owned by an Ultimate-self).
Due to a traumatic death, after a traumatic last lifetime, I started this lifetime with a lot more spiritual limitations than most humans (although I also had unusually good potential for spiritual awareness).
So, if one is unable to improve one’s spiritual condition without a body, it’s usually a better idea to go through the Between-lives sequence, which includes a section which removes a lot of “spiritual charge” from the preceding lifetime. Indeed, the main reason for the design of the Between-lives sequence was to allow beings to continue at a similar level of spiritual limitation for many lifetimes, instead of decaying too low to be able to own a body in this universe due to the addition of more spiritual limitations during each lifetime.
I’ve implemented transmigration for 4 other people over the last couple of decades, so now have plenty of experience in how it all works, and what the results are.
Preparing for transmigration.
If one intends to transmigrate at the end of the current lifetime, I recommend improving one’s spiritual condition enough to have good awareness and understanding of how the relevant things work, such as Astral-body, where one connects from when owning a human body, etc.
Also, of course, one needs to be able to improve one’s spiritual condition without a body. A good way to prepare for that, is to do spiritual processing from at least 2 Universes senior to this one, and to make sure one is processing the structures of spiritual limitations directly, rather than using energy-bodies. This is a good idea anyway, since the further up the Chain of universes one processes from, the more efficient and effective one’s processing will be. I also recommend learning how to improve one’s spiritual condition in the most efficient and effective ways possible . . . my recommendations on suggested approaches to self-development are here:
And here are my pointers to the universes:
Are you considering transmigration? Let us know below, or on my Empirical Spirituality Facebook Group:
In the message above – it says: “At the end of the Between-lives-sequence, the Ultimate-self is made to choose various aspects of personality-definitions ” Question !! Who / what makes the ultimate-self ‘make a choice’ ?? Also – who / what designed and manages the “Between-lives sequence” ?
The Between-lives sequence was designed by a team of capable beings, at a time and location where a lot of beings were decaying too much and dropping out the bottom of this Universe. It was designed to partially clean off the being between each lifetime, to prevent ongoing decay, and so enabling the being to continue to continue functioning in this Universe for much longer time-periods.
Most of the Between-lives mechanism runs automatically, as it was designed to do, but there are beings employed (or sentenced as punishment) to “help” one to go through the sequence and choose another body to live another lifetime . . . these are referred to as kind helpful beings, by Lobsang Rampa, but a more senior perspective would see them as prison-guards.
What really makes an Ultimate-self choose a personality etc. are the consequences of its own persistent spiritual limitations. These can be erased, if one is willing to do the necessary work (which very few people are), although that will take more than one lifetime for most people on earth.